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(615) 988-0452

  • Fighting For
    The Soul
    of Nashville

    Nashville’s story is rich and diverse, but
    the very soul of our city has faced
    significant challenges and changes.

Our introduction

Protecting Nashville’s Heart and Soul

Nashville’s story is rich and diverse, but the soul of our city has faced challenges and changes. Join us in protecting and preserving our community’s unique character and future.

Join us to protect North Nashville from becoming a dumping ground.

Watch the video

Investment Not Dumping

Provide High Quality Resources


Invest in North Nashville

There are many opportunities to invest in North Nashville, but the majority have been overlooked.


Join and Support

There are many ways to join in, but the majority have been overlooked. Support our efforts now!


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Get in Touch with Us

We are committed to preserving our community’s integrity while empowering our residents with the resources they need.

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